Monday, December 5, 2016

Willard home

On Thursday we went to Willard home. We sang songs, we were reading, talking and some of us even played instruments. We had a good time. Here's some stuff that we did. They enjoyed it with us and it made us happy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Little Gardens

Last term we got the little garden set from New World except dill. Dill was not in the pack because none of them were in the school pack. I planted mint. It was a good experience for our class.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Athletics Day

The whole school had athletics day yesterday. We hopped in the bus and drove off to Massey university. When we got to the track I sat in the kiwi house. There's for houses there's kiwi, tui, kea and kereru. There was high jump, long jump, shot put and more. My favourite was shot put, long jump and high jump. I came 2nd shot put. My least favourite was the sprints. I loved athletics. I wonder if kiwi house comes first.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Te Reo Maori with Flourish

Every Monday flourish does Te Reo with us. Example He aha tenei?, He papama tenei. It was fun. I think i'm confident. I hope you like this slideshow.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Te Reo

every monday Joys class and my class do Te Reo. We had to do 6 phrases. I loved working on it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


In our class we've been learning about triangles. This slideshow will show you what our class thinks about triangles.

Lukas Grows Down

in our class we have been making a movie. Its called Lukas grows down. we had lot's of fun making this movie. I was really happy for all my friends and classmates. Me and Cooper were the Directors.

Flat Pack

  1. To prepare ourselves for the market day next term, we are learning how to use the design. 
    We want to decorative models that can be put on top of the shelves by the window.
    We had a go at following instructions to make a flat pack Christmas Tree. We used this concept to help us to create our own flat pack using the design process.
    As part of the design process we created prototypes and reflected on what worked and what didn't.

    When something doesn't work, we don't get upset. We think "Great I have found out how not to do it. I think I will try .... this time."

    Thomas Edison is our inspiration. He tried 10,000 ways of making a light bulb before it actually worked. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
    The Design Brief.
What am I making? 
Collect pictures, drawings and thoughts that you could try. 
Techniques to try. Don’t be scared to think big!
The ideas I like best are:    
I pick #              Because
 Yellow Hat.
 Black hat 
2. Get organised
What materials do I need?
What are the parts I need?
What steps will I need to make it?
What equipment will I need?    Eg. paint?  Tape? Tools? Paper? Things from home?
3. Prototype - my first try.
Check my blog for my photos of what I have tried
I chose to use                                
The parts.
The best idea I had was
Re- Design.....
What I had to change / will try differently is
3a.  Redesign
My ideas that I could try to make my prototype better.
4. Final Product
See my blog to see my final product
My final product meets the brief because
The things I still want to change / improve are
The things I did / learned that helped me were

5. The Design Process - Evaluation
Yellow hat
Black hat
Green hat


My class and Flou7ish have been doing photography. Her is some examples.
Magic Makahika
Open wilderness 

 It's ok to be alone.

Monday, September 5, 2016


In our class we've been doing gymnastics. I love doing it. I think it's good

Sunday, September 4, 2016


Last Friday was Seed2Table. We made Fettuccine, meatballs, tomato sauce and brownies made out of black beans. Parts of the plants are. Roots Stem Leaves Flowers Fruit Seed. I love making the Fettuccine.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week 5 Panekiretanga

Week 5 Panekiretanga 

Blue Hat - Play with new people/share, work with others on a project, fun/playing/no rules and the kids were making there own desicions. 

White Hat - My favourite task of all these weeks of discovery was nothing. I can't decide there's so many like...

Red Hat - I loved working with other people. I feel good.

Yellow Hat - I liked working with Stanley making props for the movie that we are making.

Eat Right, Be Bright

Today we went to watch a magic show called "Eat Right & Be Bright". Vas Kovalski was the Magician.

He taught us about the importance of eating healthy. Everyday we need to eat:
  • Fruit 
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Protein
  • Dairy
If we eat well we will get all of the vitamins and minerals we need to be strong and healthy. My favourite part was all of it. I liked the bird and the bunny.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Olympics Day

Today was Olympics day. we all got into 2 groups in our class. There were Netherlands and Spain, I chose Netherlands. My favourite thing was fencing because we got to hold the real epays that they use in real fencing. I loved it. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Maths day

Today we had a maths day. The rotations were water xylophones, fulling the boxes, palm music, tinfoil boats and measuring colours. It was really fun working with my group.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 4 Panekirtanga

Yellow Hat - I enjoyed everyone working together as a team building the pirate ship.
Black Hat - It was a challenge when we had to get everything right.
Red Hat - I felt good when people said nice things to me.
Green Hat - next time I'll change to leave Blake alone.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Measuring the rice

Today we were measuring the rice with different containers. We chose two different containers that looked like the same size. We got one container and fulled it up with rice to the tippy top. We tipped the rice into the other container. Then we found out the biggest and the smallest. One time we got the similar size.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lolly Cake

Lolly Cake Ingredients:

 120 g butter 250 g malt biscuit crumbs 180 g fruit puffs 1/2 tin condensed milk coconut – for coating Method:
1. Warm butter and condensed milk together in the microwave.
2. Add biscuit crumbs and fruit puffs.
3. Stir well.
4. Roll into one log or small balls.
5. Coat in coconut.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Week 3 Panekiretanga

This week we were focusing on having positive thoughts. Our thoughts become our words, words become our actions.
Yellow Hat - Today I showed Panekiretanga when I let other people join in.
Black Hat - Something that went wrong was that Max's castle broke down and I went to say are you alright.
Green Hat - At lunchtime I will show excellence by looking around to see if everyone's ok. 
Red Hat - I felt bad when Max was sad because his tower broke.


In our class we are making robots. It was very difficult at some points. It was really fun. We all got together in groups and chose what robot to make. The one on the lefts my groups robot and on the right is Billy's group. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Crayon Art

We read the story called "The Day the Crayons Quit". We each chose our favourite colour and created our own crayon. It was fun. I was going to choose red but Brenda gave me her one so we couldn't paint my own one because it would of been to long.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The 4 things you should say more often

Me Cole and Chris thought of 4 things to say more often. The hardest part to do was editing. I loved working on this video with Cole and Chris.

Monday, July 25, 2016

In the holidays

In my holidays lots of things happened. In Wellington there was such awesome things. There was Weta Workshop, Te Papa, Big thumb and one of the most exciting things was riding the electric train from Wellington to Waikanae. Now I'm going to tell you what happened at Weta workshop. So when we got to Weta workshop, we went to take some photos by the statues outside. In Weta cave there was lots of cool things. I can't believe that I got to hold the sting aka Bilbos sword. At 12AM the tour started. At the start it showed us a short film what to do inside the workshop. When we walked through the door we saw how they made the guns and weapons. Did you know that Weta workshop makes costumes for little kids shows. There was lots of cool stuff. At the big thumb I got to eat custard buns and fried squid tentacles. They both were really nice. Then my dad drove with my family to Te Papa. The first thing in Te Papa that we did was looking at the ANZAC thingy muggigy. After that we went to the train station to hop on the train from Wellington to Waikane. We said goodbye to mum and we took of on the train. I got so excited. I said " dad how many stops are there" dad said " 8 stops ". I started to record. After I recorded some videos, I started to look outside. After all the stops we hopped of the train and went to look for mum. When we found mum we hopped in the car and went back home.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Math posters

In our class we've been making these posters for maths. The perimeter was twelve sticks but we had to figure out the area. My area was 6 squares. It was easy.

Tricky Triple Trouble

In our class we've been making our own animals. This is my animal Tricky Triple Trouble. He is a kind creature who lives under your bed. This is what he looks like. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What I thought about shadows

In the first term we learned about shadows. This is what I thought about shadows first.
This is my second turn.
I'm really happy. The shadow is connected to your feet. Also the sun will be shining on you and you will be in the way for the sun to go on the ground. So that makes a shadow. Here is some art that I have done about shadows.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Te Reo verbs

Every Monday joys class comes to our class to learn Te Reo. We made these short videos to help us with Te Reo. It includes Maori sentences, voice and picture. I'm really happy with this work I did with Lachie and Stanley. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Chapter chat

Every Friday morning we do something called chapter chat. It's when different classes all over New Zealand join to do tasks and answer questions. This is one task we had to do a wanted poster or 10 things about your mum. I will give it a 10/10.

Te Reo

Every Monday afternoon Flourish comes to our class. We learn about Te Reo Maori. We created these posters to show 2 things about Te Reo Maori. This is me and Stanley's poster. I'm really happy with Te Reo.